Thursday, April 9, 2015

Do you watch Girl Meets World?

'Cause if you do, then you surely LOVE the character Maya Hart. She's funny, a true friend, and just the right amount of REBELLIOUS.

Well bad news folks. We may be saying goodbye to Maya.

Sabrina Carpenter (she plays Maya), on her Google+ account, accidentally (EMPHASIS ON ACCIDENTALLY) broke Disney Channel contract by replying to her fans. She may be kicked off the show and sued a $1 million that she doesn't have.

But there is hope!

If you have a Google+ account, PLEASE use the #SaveMaya to spread the word that we need to, well, SAVE MAYA, and we may be able Maya.

Do this, guys. If ya have a heart, do this. Even if you're not a Girl Meets World fan.

More Later.


P.S. #SaveMaya!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Best Friends, I hope...

This is going to be the longest blog post EVER!

So today was horrible, and awesome.

Here: allow me to explain?

Remember how yesterday Ella and Sarah (and also this girl Hazel, who's another one of my BFFs) were really mad at me and Scar?

So I was up late texting Ella, trying to work things out. (One simple "I'm sorry" to Sarah cleared things up with her.) FINALLY, we made up! Yay--we're friends again!

But Scarlett, well....

Today in Humanities class she came storming up to me and Ella and she said "Tell Ella I take my apologies BACK."

And she stomped away!

So I turned to Ella, very confused, and said, "Er....Scar says she takes her apologies back."

"What?!" Ella was shocked and looked kind of hurt.

We both glanced at Scarlett, who was fuming in her seat.

Later, she passed us a note.

I took away my apology, because I didn't do anything wrong. I'm not going to apologize for something I didn't do. It's pathetic. I'm not being rude. I'm being true to myself. This is how I feel, I'm sorry it you can't handle that.

(Give to Ella when done)

I watched as Ella read the note. She scribbled something on it and then she passed it back to me to pass to Scarlett. Naturally I read what she wrote.

You did do something.

Well....she did. We did, but I'd owned up to it. She's saying she didn't do anything wrong? She did! We did! The minute someone's feelings are hurt, or someone's angry, you have to know you've done something.

I was so angry! So was Ella, and Sarah!

But, on Monday, I had agreed to go out to lunch with Scarlett and Hazel.

So.... I did. At first it was awkward, because I was mad at Scarlett, Hazel didn't know, and Scarlett was annoyed at Ella, so...

But then it got better.


I honestly don't know what's going on, or what's going to happen next!

But I'm on April break now! So yay! Going to Cali soon, and I'll blog the details when I get there...

More later!


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Fools!

Hey, guys.

Today was insane, and I'm pretty sure Ella and Sarah hate me.

So it's April Fools day, right? Scarlett and I planned a prank last night. We were going to prank Ella and Sarah. We were going to pretend to be mad at each other and get them all worried and then say "APRIL FOOLS, SUCKERS!!!!"

Sounds perfect! Right?


All morning, they were trying to help us solve the problem. Scar and I squirmed in our seats, because they weren't supposed to get THAT involved.

Before we knew it, a lot of people knew about our "fight." Eek.

We needed to end this, ASAP!

So we took Ella and Sarah out to lunch. We had a whole breaking-the-news plan, and it went perfectly! Except for the part where Ella and Sarah laugh and we all happily slurp our milkshakes.

First, when Scar said her line "God, Avalon, you're such a bad actress!!" and I did my bit where I asked if I flubbed a line, blah blah all that jazz.

But Ella interrupted with "Is this an April Fools prank?" (she didn't look happy.)

And Sarah said, "Because if it is, it's not funny!"

Scar and I plunged ahead, saying "Yeah, it's a prank" and "Happy April Fools, guys!"

But they didn't laugh. And nobody even took a sip of their milkshakes. (Except Scar, who was obviously blind to the big flashing red WARNING: ANGRY BFFs signs Ella and Sarah were displaying. But I forgive her, 'cuz she's awesome.)

"Oh, my God, SO NOT FUNNY," said Ella.

"We spent all morning trying to solve this 'problem'!" said Sarah.

"But there is no problem," I explained calmly.

"EXACTLY," they both said.

Ella paid and left. Sarah followed.

Well, Scarlett and I screwed up. Scarlett's refusing to apologize because she still thinks she's right, and right now I'm texting Ella. Trying to work things out. She's really mad.

More later!


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A (suggested) Movie Review

So I posted a link to my blog on Google+, and got a recommendation to do some movie or TV show reviews. I watch movies more than I do, TV, so, here is a review of the movie The Shining. (No spoilers.)

"Avalon, you've seen The Shining? You're thirteen for God's sakes!"

So? It was good.

No, that's not my review. LOL, I may not be perfect but I write better reviews than THAT!

So I thought The Shining was, although SCARY AS HELL, an amazing movie with a great, creepy plot! Jack Nicholson was incredible, he really brought the character (that came from the macabre mind of Stephen King, btw) to life. Director Stanley Kubrick's use of foreshadowing and camera movement added a dark, almost Hichcockian touch to the film (as if it wasn't scary enough, right). Compared to the gory films of today, it may seem almost comical....but not so much three hours later, when you're scared out of your mind.

I congratulate The Shining for staying alive all these years, and staying fresh in people's minds even after movies like Halloween and Saw.

More later!


Rebel Without a Cause -- Plato Is Gay!


As some of you may know (if you have watched "Rebel Without a Cause" LIKE I ASKED YOU VERY NICELY TO), John "Plato" Crawford is a character in "Rebel Without a Cause." And my favorite character. I don't know, I just really like him.

So I was browsing the web and found A-THIS:

Well, I'd never thought about Plato being gay. But then I thought about it. The adoring looks at Jim? That whole Planetarium sequence (THE FIRST ONE)??


It's kind of obvious now that I think back. And I am now looking at my favorite movie in a whole new way. And I think I know now why they killed Plato. You gotta stay under Hays Code, right? :(

It's almost unheard of for that time. But look at the image above you. Plato is now the #2 best gay movie character. Of all time.

You go, Plato.

I like the character of Plato about 100 times more now.

Well, I just thought I'd post this because I thought it was interesting.

More later!


Monday, March 30, 2015

Miss American Pie

Wow, I have not posted in forever! Time to catch you guys up on my biz!

So I am completely obsessed with this song, "American Pie." As you may or may not know, I'm an oldies girl. I L-O-V-E anything classic and well, old. For example American Pie. The inner 60's fangirl in me screamed when I saw these lyrics:

When the jester sang for the king and queen

In a coat he borrowed from James Dean

I was like. AHHH!!! JAMES DEAN!! Because I am a HUGE James Dean fan. Like seriously. HUGE. And, along those lines, a huge RWAC (Rebel without a cause) fan!!

I have only seen the movie once.


It's just so....and...yeah. JUST WATCH IT.

You can tell I'm REALLY hyped up about it! Well I have good reason.


More later!


Thursday, March 19, 2015

"Psycho" and Scarlett


So today I was out to lunch with 2/3 of my BFFs, Scarlett and Ella. (Isabella couldn't make it.) We were talking and somehow (I really can't remember) the subject of Psycho came up.

Well. Naturally I jumped right in, raving about the shocking end, and somehow Ella and I ended up explaining the whole thing to Scarlett, who hasn't seen the movie.

She didn't understand. "So...Mother's alive?"

"No, see, Norman is Mother. He dressed up like her and preserved her body after she died," I'd said.

"That sounds stupid," Scarlett scoffed.

EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?! "You have to see it in context," Ella said, coming to my rescue (as I was speechless).

Thank you, YouTube! Some awesome person had posted the fruit cellar scene. So I showed it to Scarlett, whose only comments were the following:

"That's stupid."

"Why does the skeleton have wrinkles?"

"That's so stupid it's almost funny."

"Av, is it one of those movies where it's so. Bad. It's funny?"

I couldn't believe she hated it! And I couldn't believe her only non-hater comment was Why does the skeleton have wrinkles? I mean REALLY.

I said, "What. Scarlett. No. It got nominated for like six Oscars."

She laughed. "Sure, Avalon!"

Sigh. Some people just don't get it.

More later!
